Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Monthly Organizing Challenge: Kitchen Intro

Happy February my bloggy pals!

I am back to launch another monthly challenge, this month we are tackling the hub of the home, the KITCHEN!

It's all about sharing ideas, working together and conquering our organizing projects one step at a time.  And organizing is so much more fun when you have someone to do it with {or hundreds of people to do it with}, so let's do this together!

To kick things off let's chat about some of my favorite kitchen organizing tips:
  • Counter clutter is typically the top culprit in the kitchen.  Determine why your counter clutter is appearing and create solutions for those items.  Temporary papers, give them a review basket.  Returns?  Pop a bag or bin in your coat closet that you can grab when you head to the store.   Dishes?  Set a goal to do them each evening before you head to bed.
  • Drawer dividers will be your best friend in the kitchen.  By adding dividers to the drawers, you have to think about and categorize your belongings.  It forces you to edit what you put into the drawers {no more just tossing everything in}, and also helps you quickly find what you are looking for without digging endlessly for that garlic press.
  • Edit down your small kitchen tools.  It's amazing how many items a good knife can replace.  Donate duplicate items and keep the pieces that serve multiple functions.
  • Store dried goods in clear, air-tight containers.  This prolongs the life of the foods and always gives you a quick visual inventory of your pantry stock.
  • Create a meal plan for your family.  Just a couple minutes of planning during the weekend can save you boatloads of time, money and frustration when the busy week hits.  
  • Don't be afraid to start with a blank slate.  Take everything out of your cabinets and be selective about what you put back.  Dispose of expired foods and think about how you use your kitchen each day.  Put pans near the stove and dishes near the dishwasher.  Keep children's dishes in low cabinets or drawers for kids to reach.  Just because a cabinet is typically intended for a single purpose, don't be afraid to challenge that and use it for how it makes the most sense for you.
  • Use lazy susans and tiered shelving to maximize shelf space and to make items in your cabinets easier to view and access.
  • Consider the frequency of use of your small appliances.  There are so many specialty items such as quesadilla makers and panini presses that are only used a few times per year.  If you are low on cabinet space, it may be time to pair down the small appliances that take up so much room.
  • Use pull out shelves and drawers within your cabinets to give yourself easy access to items in the back of the cupboard.
  • Remember there is a lot of unused space in the kitchen on the backs of cabinets and doors.  Command hooks, over the door organizers and cork tiles are all great items that can provide extra storage where you would least expect it.
  • Clean out your fridge and freezer and take inventory of the contents to make meal planning easier and to reduce over-purchasing at the grocery store.

So where does one begin?
  1. Make a list of things you are hoping to tackle this month to get your kitchen in working order.  Be realistic and only take on what you can commit to and pick your battles.  It doesn't have to be an entire space overhaul, just enough to feel stress free about your time in the kitchen each day.
  2. Find inspiration.  Check out the www and your favorite magazines for ideas and products to spark your creativity.
  3. Schedule it in!  Make time to get it done, whether it is 15 minutes per day or an hour on a weekend.  Ask for help watching the kids or get them involved to help with sorting and any crafting.
  4. Blank slate it!  Anytime I take on an organizing project, it is great to start with a blank slate.  It allows you to properly evaluate what you have and place things back where they make the most sense vs. where they have been for the last eight years.
  5. Sort.  Sort down your contents into categories and piles.  Make sure you have a purge pile!  It's time to clear out the clutter!
  6. Purge.  Say farewell to all of those things holding you back from living simply.  Only keep what you need and love, say farewell to all the rest.  Sell on Craigslist, donate to Goodwill, recycle recycle recycle.
  7. Store it!  Now that you have cleared the clutter, it is time to store the remaining items.  Use what you have and shop your home for additional items.  Check out thrift stores, the dollar store or the Container Store to find things that fit your storage needs.  Or, DIY your own storage for a custom fit, to save moolah and because crafting and projecting is fun!
  8. Share it!  Blog about your projects and share them with the world!  You have just accomplished something, you should be proud!  At the end of the month, we will link up all of our projects and share the ideas and inspiration with the IHeart Organizing community!

This blog isn't just about organizing, it's about getting your hands dirty.  Whether making a tag from scrapbooking supplies or re-purposing a wine crate as pantry storage.... let's dare to DIY something fun while working on our kitchen spaces!

To not only bring us some inspiration, but to also spark a few DIY ideas, here are a few that have recently caught my eye:

  • Add additional storage by making over a bookcase.  Go the extra mile and DIY some pretty labels for dry goods.

  • DIY a lovely little recipe box.

  • And then use those recipes to plan your weekly menu on a pretty menu board.

  • Keep track of your grocery list on a pretty chalkboard tablet created from an old cutting board.

  • Use standard hardware from a Home Improvement store to create easy to access utensil storage.

  • Line your drawers with pretty papers.

  • Paint the inside of your cabinets or pantry for an unexpected happy surprise.

  • Get creative when storing your spices.

  • Repurpose an old cabinet or armoire as a pantry.

So who is excited to tackle the kitchen with me?  I will be sharing a few of our projects along the way this month, but what I am most excited about is seeing yours at the end of the month during the Link Party!

What other kitchen organizing tips do you have to share to kick off the challenge?  Any projects that are working wonders for you?  How about favorite product picks that you couldn't function without?


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