Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Dare I Say

… that we are a diaper free household?!?!!? 
photo 3 (34)

When we jaunted off to Target to replenish the baby’s night time diaper supply, he pitched a royal fit right there in the aisle – professing himself a big boy and dismissing the need for any more diapers.  Sooooo… I put the twenty dollar box right back on the shelf and steeled myself for weeks worth of wet sheets and middle of the night accidents.  (Okay, really for a couple of days worth because after a night of changing sheets I would have slapped a diaper back on him so fast he wouldn't have known what hit him.)  You see, while potty trained during the day for over a year now, he was still waking up with a soaked diaper every single morning. 

Well, I happily admit that I underestimated the sweet child.  When he sets his mind to something he does it!  It’s really quite remarkable and something I’ve noticed about him from as early on as the days of rolling over and smiling.  He’s had just one accident in the last two weeks!!

Sweet friends Emmy and Lyla delivered some of their momma’s divine salted caramel chocolate chip cookies to celebrate the occasion!
photo 2 (39)
photo 4 (24)

And while I can hardly bear the thought of my baby growing up, diapers are one hallmark of baby-hood that I most definitely will NOT miss!!

Congrats big boy – we’re so very proud of you!!


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