Senin, 28 Januari 2013

and then what happened

Well, it's Monday and we've got even more fresh snow on the ground.
The WINNER of She Wouldn't Sing at My Wedding is Kat from Seeking Sanity!  Yay, Kat!  Email me your mailing address!  Hope you enjoy the collection.
As it happens, Mr. G is gifted at wrestling, too.  I'd hoped at least one kid would knock him down a peg, but the little animal went out there and won all 3 of his matches.  Turns out having 2 older brothers makes a kid fearless, tenacious and strong.  Observe his final round:

A wrestling tournament (meet? thingy?) is an emotional place.  LOTS of yelling and crying.  It's all a bit foreign for me, I'm much more at home at a basketball game.  But the kid had fun and wants to do it again.  For the record, the Happyland coaches do a great job of emphasizing FUN and good technique over competition.  I wish Mr. T had stuck with it, but it takes a certain kind of kid to wrestle.  Much like beauty pageants and coin collecting, it's certainly not an activity for everybody.

Mr. B's team took 4th at their tournament.  The 1st and 2nd place teams were in a league of their own.  It was a proud day for him, but I only got to see the first of his four games of the day because his father and I had to go to a zone defense.  Mr. D helped coach and he was very proud, too.  Especially as they won their last game in double-overtime.
The wedding went well--another ridiculously cute and happy couple made legal.
Italian Beef Sandwiches are DELICIOUS and EASY to make.  Here's how:  put 1 chuck roast, 1 chopped onion, 1 minced clove of garlic, 2 cans beef consomme and 1 cup red wine in a pot.  Do not cover.   Bake at 325 in your oven for about 4 hours.  Shred and serve on buns.  Now go buy a chuck roast so you can make these sandwiches this weekend when you feel lazy.  (This recipe is brought to you from a lady named Gerry from Chisholm, Minnesota.)
I have no words for Julianne Moore's gown last night.  Mr. B deemed it "too wrinkly and too big."  When a 10 year old boy weighs in like that, one must wonder WTF her stylist was thinking.  Oy.
And Sybil.  Julian Fellowes, you cad.  You took the best and most interesting sister and offed her.  Not sure if I mentioned that Mr. T watches Downton Abbey with me.  We had a great discussion about the risks of childbirth following Sybil's tragic demise.  It's a gift that despite having 3 sons, one watches Upstairs, Downstairs  and Downton Abbey.  He confesses that it's hard to keep all the characters straight and I suspect he watches only to prolong bedtime on Sunday night, but it's our thing and I like not watching alone so there you go.
 The cookie cake at school was good.  Chock full of chips.  And the kids were angelic--subbing for those middle school kids is some easy money.
Today the children do not have school.  Mr. G went to a buddy's house and Mr. B has a buddy over and they're in a place I like to call "Minecraft Nirvana."
What to do while the children play? 

Spill it, reader.  Did you see Downton Abbey?  Were you outraged?


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