Jumat, 01 Februari 2013


The wicked cold has settled upon us once again and since yesterday I got called in to sub, quelching yet another opportunity to head to the grocery store.  No worries!  We still have 3 rolls of toilet paper, a quart of milk, half a loaf of bread and coffee.  I figured this morning I'd bundle up, brave the subzero temperatures and head to the store.

An hour ago the school secretary called.  Mr. G's in her office, coughing and hacking and miserable.  Plans thwarted once more.  I tucked him into bed, poured some cough syrup into a spoon and said to him, "Listen you little germ-infested weasel..."

He looked at me and said, "I'm not German."

On a happy note, I'm enjoying one of my favorite winter time activities: kicking the huge chunks of snow free from the wheel wells on the Momvan.  That is so satisfying.

It's Friday and we've bid farewell to Hillary Clinton and Liz Lemon in the same week.   My heart breaks for those kids in Alabama who watched their bus driver get shot--what a hero--and that poor boy trapped in a bunker with a madman.  Heavy times.


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