Senin, 04 Februari 2013

much ado

That dog of ours has found a deer carcass in the woods.  He has dragged up a couple of it's legs and contentedly lies in the front yard gnawing them.  But Sunday he left one of the legs in the driveway in the path of Mr. D's car.  Mr. D talks to Jax like he understands and I watched him explain to the dog that he needed to move the leg bone so he could get through his side of the driveway.  Well that dog understood "bone" and "driveway" all right.  I took the gang to church and returned to find the deer's torso lying in the driveway beside the leg bone.  Never has a dead carcass struck me so funny as when we saw that huge spine and ribcage and skull smack in the middle of Mr. D's path through the driveway. 

In other news, Mr. G's a happy little Ravens fan. 

I'm going to be in Virginia April 19-22 visiting Jen on the Edge!  If you're from the area and think you'd be up for a bloggy get-together, let me know!

Reason # 2 to buy Whipped, Not Beaten on Kindle: It's been described as "Stephanie Plum meets Pampered Chef."

Reason #3 to buy Whipped, Not Beaten on Kindle:  it's about Public Radio and who doesn't have a soft spot for Public Radio? 

This just in:  my friend Nicole said the formatting of my e-book release looks terrific!  What a relief!


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