Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Guest Blogger_Tenisha: Food Truck Rodeo

Howdy, Around-the-Worlders, I'm Tenisha! Just stopping by to tell y'all about my awesome experience at the Food Truck Rodeo in Durham, North Carolina. Just a tidbit of info about me. I moved to the Raleigh-Durham area May 2012, after living in Greenville, South Carolina my entire life. The goal was to really get out and discover my new city. Eight months later, *cough*, I'm just getting around to it. But more on that later, it's talk about food.

The Food Truck Rodeo (FTR) took place on Sunday, January 27th in downtown, Durham Central Park. The weather was nice and I was in good company. I was joined by my friend, Ayahnah, a Durham native. So, about this nice weather. By nice, I mean deceiving. Just two days before schools were closing early and highways were shutting down due to snow and ice. But, Sunday was beautiful. The sun was out and the clouds never looked more perfect. But...there's a but. It was barely 30 degrees. Eek!    

First stop was to Baguettaboutit. I was eager to try this because it reminded me Dogmatic, a restaurant I enjoyed while visiting NYC in 2011. I customized my order and had the chicken and spinach sausage with chimichurri sauce. Ayahnah had the 'United Nations,' which is chicken chipotle sausage with chimichurri sauce.  This place gets two thumbs up from me and I will definitely be trying them again!

The next place I tried was Chirba Chirba Dumpling. Talk about yum! While in line, I chatted it up with a lady who swore by the Mushroom Veggie-lings. She's vegan and since I don't eat pork, I'd already had my eyes set on them. Her stamp of approval further sealed the deal. I have no regrets; they were amazing. As I write this now, I wish I'd gotten ten instead of five. LOL

Due to the dropping temperature, we made our rounds to take a few pictures but only managed to stand in line for one more thing...BEER! Go figure! If you're ever in the Raleigh-Durham area and want to eat in a "judge-free" zone, please check the FTR site for future dates. I had an amazing time and will definitely check it out in the summer! 

Thanks for reading,


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