Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

turn on your headlights and speak clearly into the microphone

It's FOGGY here today.  I can only see 1/8 of a mile which makes for some mighty scary driving conditions.  I left the house once already to announce a spelling bee.  You should've heard me practicing these words at home for the past week to make sure I could say them okay.  Pantisocracy. Payn-ti-sah-krass-y.  Pan-tsi-craw-see.  Pan-ty-sew-cray-see.  (FYI: that's a utopian society where all people rule equally.)  I hadn't even seen some of these words before in my life and I worked really hard learning how to say each one correctly.  Talk about goofy, but I'm a stickler for good pronunciation. 

The room was abuzz with nerves.  I felt bad whenever I had to tell someone they spelled a word incorrectly, but most of the students seemed more relieved than disappointed when they got eliminated.  The second-to-last round eliminated the last 3 standing so we did a final round where only 1 kid remained.  I was relieved not to get to the last hundred words on the list.  Even though I practiced, some of them were REALLY hard to say!

A few kids came up afterwards to see how to spell words they missed.  I told a couple that I'll never forget how to spell "embarrassed" because that was the word I stumbled on when I was in a 4th grade spelling bee.  The double-r screwed me up, but never again!

It rained ice last night and this morning I saw lightning outside my window.  It's supposed to snow half a foot or more starting tonight.  Whether you think this wonky weather is due to climate change or just a fluke, there's no denying it is WEIRD out there.  Forty degrees today and down to five by Friday.  Good grief!  It's a Meteorological Mash-Up outside.

Spill it, reader.  Did you ever compete in a spelling bee? What word did you get wrong?  I bet you still remember!


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