Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

real good

It's snowing right now.  The light, bright, powdery, snow globe kind of snow that a girl can sweep off her driveway and enjoy.

Listening to people speak French.  Hands down it's the sexiest sounding language on the planet.

FINALLY reaching the end of a MS edit.  Revising verb tense is a putsy, putsy job and I'm SO pleased to be done with it.

Realizing Mr. T and I see eye to eye (almost).  When did he get so tall?  And suddenly care so much about his grades?

My camera returned--along with a very sweet note from my sister-in-law.

Looking at all the pictures from our Iowa Christmas--boy did we have a good time!

Remembering how one funny and kind uncle played War with Mr. G for almost an hour that day.

Life is good in so many little ways, isn't it?

p.s.  the new header is for YOU, Jocelyn.  


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