Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

murphy's law, mother nature, coffee grounds

To recap:  I didn't go grocery shopping on Monday because the kids had no school and I was all Let's stay home and play and I'll do that tomorrow when you go back to school all day.  Then Tuesday they had a 2 hour delay and because of icy rain.  Then fog rolled in, so I decided to delay grocery shopping until visibility exceeded 1/8 of a mile.  Mid-afternoon I packed up my canvas shopping bag and my list and swung by a visitation for a very sweet and fascinating gentleman who died over the weekend.  I assumed the fog would dissipate by 2:30 and I'd head to the store after the visitation.

That's when I discovered that everyone in town agrees that this gentleman is worth paying respect to, so the church was packed and the line wrapped around itself.  I stood in that line a mighty long time (in front of the most annoying and horrible woman in the whole county who prattled ON and ON about "the big swimming pool" in the middle of the church and how LONG the WAIT was and "holy water freaks me out" at full volume which had me clenching my teeth and trying to conjure up happy thoughts so I wouldn't reach around and punch her in the throat).  I'm glad I endured the line and the irritation standing behind me since my kids are pals with this man's grandkids, I know his daughter, I work in the PS kitchen with his wife who is pretty terrific herself.  After paying my condolences, I walked outside where the fog had lifted.  It was raining.  I checked my phone.  It was nearly 4:00.  Mr. B had to be at a basketball game by 5:45, Mr. G and I had to be to church by 6:00, I had to monitor homework and feed everyone supper.  No way was I shopping--there was no time to squeeze it in--it takes an hour to drive to the store, shop and drive home.  That doesn't count "unloading."

Mr. G and I returned home from church around 8:30 to learn that Mr. B had left his basketball jersey on a bleacher at the high school.  Mr. D was in no mood to drive him back to retrieve it.  By the time I got the boy, the jersey and myself back home from our successful trip to the high school, it was 9:00.  I scowled at the forecast.  Things looked bleak, but no way was I heading out that late at night to grocery shop.

Today they cancelled school because it's a blizzard outside.  The roads are impassable.  We live in the country where they're particularly impassable. 

On a bright note, now I have an opportunity to get creative in the kitchen.  I have enough coffee to get us through about three more days.  It's really pretty outside.  And even though we won't get to karate tonight, I can break a sweat shoveling snow off the driveway.

Silver linings.


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