Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Chess Champ

After much begging and pleading (he gets that from his momma), we let the PCP enroll in an after school activity for first semester.  And he picked chess, of all things.  I cannot lie and say that I wasn’t quietly thrilled with this scholarly choice.  Much to Honey's horror, I cannot claim to know the first thing about the game myself (other than it makes a nice decorative addition to the basement.)  He won third place in the 1st & 2nd grade tournament (which I believe involves three different types of chess) and is over the moon with his trophy.

January 2013 356 copy

Per usual, I had to blink back the tears when he went up to receive his award.  It’s hard work keeping those mommy emotions in check, but I am determined not to purposefully embarrass the child :-)



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