Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

a snowstorm is like wearing high heels

It looks awfully pretty, but it's a pain in the ass.  And the back if you have to shovel a lot.

Today it's going to get really cold, so we're trying to clear the drifted snow while it's above zero out there.

That weatherman hinted at another school cancellation tomorrow if the wind chills drop like they expect them to.  

I confess, cabin fever is setting in.  I took a hike last night just to get outside.  It's miserable out there, but when a girl's been cooped up inside for so long, she'll do anything for a gasp of fresh air and some wind on her cheeks.

We strapped on snowshoes yesterday with every intention of heading through the woods.  Alas!  All the rain had turned to a sea of slush and we couldn't go any further.  Tonight it will freeze over for sure, but what a sloppy mess!

We still have coffee and toilet paper, but supplies are dwindling, so I'll definitely have to get my butt to the grocery store before the temps drop.  I made baked manicotti last night and everyone ate it with complements to the cook.  Of course I never met a pasta/meat/cheese combo I didn't like....


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