I'm ending this week by writing this blog post standing. I'm not showing off or anything. My butt is sore from yoga that it hurts to sit. Fortunately, I stand for most of my work (except the sewing part), so 'tis just a minor problem.
'Nuff butt my problems. Let's get to some fun links around the inter web things.
Musical wine glasses (just fill and play)!
I'm not yet 30, but my friend circle is not quite what it used to be.
Cute type faces.
I need these double agent shoes.
Not your typical wevther forecast.
Stanley (the interactive piano) takes requests via Twitter.
Perfume for book lovers.
Feel the (phantom) vibration!
Trying to live by this aesthetic.
Fun road trip game: eat the cars passing by.
Boxing kitten.
Pantone flesh tones.
Happy Friday!
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