Friends, citizens, fellow patriots, we ran a clean campaign and can feel proud of our attempt to shake things up and bring an era of clear thinking and reasoned decision-making to the Happyland School District. The votes are in and complacency with the status quo was the clear majority (by about 200 votes). Some dead white dude who I'm too lazy to Google right now once said "To the victor go the spoils," and as the clear loser, I walk away from this race having lost nothing (except the money I spent on campaign signs). My gains include experience and new friendships. My opponent will enjoy his spoils: the drudgery of long meetings on Monday nights. (Trying real hard to feel bad about that...) It's the same old era in Happyland today as it was yesterday, and I plan to withdraw back to the private sphere where I'll support God, America, apple pie and motherhood.
But seriously? Losing an election feels like rejection. I mean, I LOST, you know? On the bright side, I can cross running for political office off my bucket list now, and focus on pleasant things.
Like how springtime is muddy (see the tracks across the porch) and this guy follows me everywhere I go:
And how daffodils bloom abundantly:And cute little blue flowers--some kind of crocus I think:
And a wattle under construction:
Not a bad place to retire one's political aspirations, is it?
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