Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Darcy - 4 Weeks Old

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Darcy is having a little snooze (hurrah!!) for a few minutes so I thought I would take the opportunity to update you on the little lovie.

What a 4 weeks it's been! Now I won't lie to you Bloggerinos, this last month has been the hardest time of my entire adult life. Of course there have been gorgeous loving moments, but a lot of the time it's sleep deprivation, yellow poop, a constant round of cleaning, sterilizing and making up bottles, laundry, lugging baby stuff (car seat, moses basket, change bag, bouncer, jungle gym, etc, etc) round the house and feeling REALLY FRAZZLED.

And then she smiles, or looks up at me with her eyes which look like blue marbles and you don't mind any of the hard graft. It's crazy. It's like she has a power of you which forces you to just love her regardless of how you feel. I look at her and think about how I want her to have the best possible life. About how I want her to not have the childhood I had, about how I want her to enjoy school, have good relationships and do all that she wants to do with her life.

Not a great deal has happened in the last 4 weeks (aside from our lives being turned completely upside down of course haha) but I'll fill you in anyway.

Darcy now weighs 9lb11oz which is good news because when she was a week old we had to go to hospital for a coupe of days because she lost far too much weight. I now take her to a baby group on a Tuesday morning and get her weighed so I can monitor it. It's really nice there, lots of toys and other people and a health visitor to answer any questions. Also it's free so that's a brucey bonus!

Matt and I set up a savings account for her which I am really proud of. I intend to encourage further education when she's older so this will go to that. If university is something she really objects to then she can use it for driving lessons or travelling or something of that ilk.

She's a little bit more interactive now. She just about smiles, looks at things and follows your fingers/toys with her eyes. I really love 'playtime' with her, but unfortunately, she seems to think playtime is at 4.30am. It isn't. 4.30am is TiredMummyTime.

I'll update you again at the 8 week mark, but so far, she's a little snugglebug and I want to just gobble her right up. But I won't. This would be frowned upon. Eek!


Thank you to everyone who has entered my Sigma Brush Kit Competition, there have been some amazing looks! Keep your entries coming! xxx  ----Why has this centered but nothing else has??! GGRRR


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