* Mr. B's EEG went fantastically well. He was a trooper throughout and the technician (who bore more than a passing resemblance to Jake Gyllenhaal and had a nice laugh) made him very comfortable. It lasted almost an hour and we're waiting for results. I really hope the doctor calls us today.
* Meanwhile Mr. B is making "Fake Tick Faces" which crack us up.
* Hearing the news in Haiti is bad enough. I cannot imagine watching it.
* Mr. T earned 2 Webelo pins Saturday morning while I knitted fingerless mitts.
* I nearly finished the mitts whilst watching the Golden Globe Awards last night--only about 12 rows to go! Adding to my pleasure, Glee, Up, and Meryl Streep won awards.
* Confession: I adore Quentin Tarantino movies. I thought Inglorious Basterds was sheer genius. Yes, he's sooooo violent, but utterly brilliant. His passion for films and film history, the way he weaves his adoration of old movies--it's like he's paying homage to those who made films before him. Sure, he's all jutted out chin and scary soul-boring eyes--but I'd love to sit and talk to him. I'm glad Christoph Waltz won last night.
* The giant zit and the bruise on my chin from where Mr. G jumped up and cracked me with the top of his head are almost gone. I felt self-conscious all weekend.
* The mild weather has melted the roads enough that I ran Sunday. It felt good.
* We had a kid over for a play date every afternoon Friday-Sunday. Time to replenish the pantry.
* Mr. D is counting down the days until he leaves for a 5-day golf trip in Arizona.
* I finally watched Kate & Leopold (yes, a decade after the rest of you watched it). To that end I offer you this on a Monday morning:To be fair, he isn't wearing muttonchops as Leopold, but he does look hot in knee breeches. Here's a more muttonchoppy look on Hugh, sans kneebreeches:
Happy Monday!
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